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The Collaborative International Dictionary
After a fashion

Fashion \Fash"ion\, n. [OE. fasoun, facioun, shape, manner, F. facon, orig., a making, fr. L. factio a making, fr. facere to make. See Fact, Feat, and cf. Faction.]

  1. The make or form of anything; the style, shape, appearance, or mode of structure; pattern, model; as, the fashion of the ark, of a coat, of a house, of an altar, etc.; workmanship; execution.

    The fashion of his countenance was altered.
    --Luke ix. 29.

    I do not like the fashion of your garments.

  2. The prevailing mode or style, especially of dress; custom or conventional usage in respect of dress, behavior, etiquette, etc.; particularly, the mode or style usual among persons of good breeding; as, to dress, dance, sing, ride, etc., in the fashion.

    The innocent diversions in fashion.

    As now existing, fashion is a form of social regulation analogous to constitutional government as a form of political regulation.
    --H. Spencer.

  3. Polite, fashionable, or genteel life; social position; good breeding; as, men of fashion.

  4. Mode of action; method of conduct; manner; custom; sort; way. ``After his sour fashion.''

    After a fashion, to a certain extent; of a sort; sort of.

    Fashion piece (Naut.), one of the timbers which terminate the transom, and define the shape of the stern.

    Fashion plate, a pictorial design showing the prevailing style or a new style of dress.

after a fashion

adv. to some extent; not very well; "he speaks French after a fashion"

Usage examples of "after a fashion".

These molecules make contact with the body, so the sense does involve physical contact after a fashion.

I suppose I came to love her after a fashion, though our relations were dutiful rather than passionate.

It was luck that had placed the Ship near a star with a planetary system, luck that the Ship arrived there with a speed low enough for Hugh to counteract it in a ship's auxiliary craft, luck that he learned to handle it after a fashion before they starved or lost themselves in deep space.

Fortunately, I can do most of the building trades myself, after a fashion.

Much better here, inside the wagon circle, his back to the north, where he could forget after a fashion.

All of them spoke one or more European languages-after a fashion-and they took great pride in their appearance.